Healthy lifestyle tips for adults

Lifestyle is the interests, opinions, behaviours, and behavioural orientations of an individual, group, or culture. A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people’s health and well-being, by being careful of the weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol which usually leds to a longer life. In order to be healthy one has to include physical activities, weight management, stress management and, of course, a healty diet in the normal routine. Here you have 10 healthy lifestyle tips for adults:

  1. Eat a variety of foodsFor good health, we need more than 40 different nutrients, and no single food can supply them all. It is not about a single meal, it is about a balanced food choice over time that will make a difference! Eating a healthy diet is not about strict limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, improving your health, and boosting your mood.
  2. Reduce salt and sugar intakeA high salt intake can result in high blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Choose products with lower sodium content. When cooking, salt can be substituted with spices, increasing the variety of flavours and tastes. When eating, it helps not to have salt at the table, or at least not to add salt before tasting.
  3. Experiment with new activities in the bedroom.

    According to a 2017 review of research published in the Journal of Sex Research, more sexually satisfied couples reported engaging in a greater variety of sex acts than their less-satisfied counterparts.

  4. Drink plenty of fluidsAdults need to drink at least 1.5 litres of fluid a day! Or more if it’s very hot or they are physically active. Water is the best source, of course, and we can use tap or mineral water, sparkling or non-sparkling, plain or flavoured. Fruit juices, tea, soft drinks, milk and other drinks, can all be okay – from time to time.
  5. Getting regular and adequate amounts of sleepGetting a regular and adequate amount of sleep is first on our list as it is often downplayed in importance relative to diet and exercise. The relationship between sleep and life expectancy has been demonstrated in many studies, but what surprises some people is that the relationship is a U-shaped curve. In other words, both too little and too much sleep raise mortality (the risk of death).
  6. Healthy body weightHealthy body weight, defined as a normal body mass index (BMI) is between 18.5 and 24.9. Being affected by obesity and overweight increases the risks of a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer.

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